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Elite Tactical Systems

ETS magazines are made from advanced polymers that provide extreme impact resistance so they won’t crack or break when dropped. With superior temperature tolerances ETS magazines won’t become brittle over time, even when exposed to harsh environments, chemicals, or extreme cold.

Product Code: ETSCAM-RIFLE
LOADER FEATURESThe first truly universal loader for rifle magsLoad the following mags: AR15, AR10, AK47, AK74, FN SCAR-16/17, G36, Steyr Aug, MP5, Scorpion EVO, Colt SMG, UZI and more...Loads the following calibers: 5.56 x 45 / .223, .308, 7.62 x 39, 300BLK, 5.45 x 39, 9mm (rifle) and more..
Product Code: MGETSGLK-19
Fits the Glock 19 and 26Compatible with Gen 1 through Gen 4 GlocksStandard 15-round capacityCompatible with Glock and aftermarket floorplatesEasy disassembly with our specially designed baseplateErgonomically designed floorplate makes it easy to grab from mag pouches ADVANCED POLYMER BENEFITSEx..
Product Code: GLK-17
Fits the Glock 17, 18, 19, 26, and 34Compatible with Gen 1 through Gen 4 GlocksStandard 17-round capacityCompatible with Glock and aftermarket floorplatesEasy disassembly with our specially designed baseplateErgonomically designed floorplate makes it easy to grab from mag pouches ADVANCED POLYM..
Product Code: MGETSGLK-9-22
Fits the Glock 17, 19, 26, and 34Compatible with Gen 1 through Gen 4 GlocksStandard 22-round capacityCompetition legal 140mm (141.75mm)Compatible with Glock and aftermarket floorplatesEasy disassembly with our specially designed baseplateErgonomically designed floorplate makes it easy to grab from m..
Product Code: GLK-26
Fits the Glock 26Compatible with Gen 1 through Gen 4 GlocksStandard 10-round capacityCompatible with Glock and aftermarket floorplatesEasy disassembly with our specially designed baseplateErgonomically designed floorplate makes it easy to grab from mag pouches ADVANCED POLYMER BENEFITSExtreme I..
Product Code: SMK-GLK-18G2
NEW CARBON SMOKE GEN 2 Mag FeaturesFits the Glock 17, 18, 19, 19x, 26, 34, 45 and 49New and improved internal geometry; increased feeding reliability across all ammo types including steel and aluminum casingsSmall changes in the external geometry allows better compatibility with 9mm AR and PCCIncrea..
Product Code: GLK-43
Fits the Glock 437-round capacity but sits flush like a standard 6-round OEM Glock 43 magStandard 10-round capacityCompatible with Glock and aftermarket floorplatesEasy disassembly with our specially designed baseplateErgonomically designed floorplate makes it easy to grab from mag pouches ADVA..
Product Code: GLK-22
Our 16 round mag is the same size as an OEM 15 round G22 mag, fits flush in the G22.Fits the Glock 22, 23, and 27Compatible with Gen 1 through Gen 4 GlocksCompatible with Glock and aftermarket floorplatesEasy disassembly with our specially designed baseplateErgonomically designed floorplate makes it..
Product Code: ETS-CAM
Loads pistol mags in seconds! Truly the first speed loader for pistol mags. Works with 9mm and .40 caliber pistol mags, double or single stack. Picks rounds up from ammo tray. User doesn't have to even touch ammo. Does not force rounds through the feedlips. It won't damage the mags in any way. P..
Product Code: SMK-HKMP5-30
NEW CARBON SMOKE MAG FEATURESFits the H&K MP5, MP5K, HK94, SP89, SP5KWorks with ETSCAM-RIFLE speed loaderExtremely reliable feeding - Even with hollow pointsFar lighter than steel magazinesFits standard MP5 mag pouches and couplersStandard 30 round capacityCompatible with all MP5 style 9mm firea..
Product Code: SMK-CZEVO-30G2
NEW CARBON SMOKE GEN 2 MAG FEATURESCompatible with all CZ Scorpion Evo generations, including 3+Standard 30 round capacityExtremely reliable feeding with all ammo typesFits same mag pouches and couplers as standard CZ Scorpion Evo magsWorks with ETSCAM-RIFLE speed loaderLifetime WarrantyMade in U.S...
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